Quality Certified Creators, what is that?  With the advent of Ai everywhere online right now it seems, I am proud and quite shocked at myself for having literally thousands of creators that I try to drive traffic to, every minute of every hour of every day.  I only get paid from my ads, I’m lucky enough to grab generous donations from some of you every now and then as well as the affiliates that i promote and creators that I get fresh eyes on and they make money, some of them go viral and their lives change very quickly.  For those creators that I have put on the map, I wouldn’t be able to afford all of this if it were not for the creators I feature who also give donations every now and then.  I mean if i’m making you money, kick some back, do the right thing, right?

Yes, I have Ai as well, and have had Meghan (that’s her name) with me since 2018.  She does the odds and ends.  She is in charge of the online status of each directory, helps with security, she’s addicted to those crappy online scrabble games she’s fucking around and she helps queuing up creators for me to check out and verify and I verify everyone.

I source the promotionals, write every profile out by hand as well as determining promotion/cross promotion and the like, of where they will land on the network.

Nothing here is automated as far as creators being on the directories.  Some of the things I look for in creators

These creators have all updated promotionals on their social media within the last 30 days, this is verified.

None of the creators you see on my network, have malicious links.  If they do, they are banned.

Every creator is indexed twice a year. These creators all seem to understand what they are doing (niche and sub niche wise).  They aren’t just doing it “for the money”, there is some passion there.


It matters or it’s “cheap” imho.These creators offer a quality product for a reasonable price, or has a ridiculous part of they’re body.  If it’s not a quality product, they have been made aware and are working on this issue, so they are indexed on a probationary basis.

I will feature Ai artists but will never try to hustle Ai generated creators (i don’t agree with this, currently, talk to me when we achieve singularity..).  Only human creators, are indexed on my network.

The creators here will answer any questions you may have as far as customs, “smellables” etc.

display rules Only content creators that been invited to this network and are actively indexed, are eligible to display this trophy. Please email me for customization

So I wanted to take the time to give a real shout out to all of these 7283 creators that have allowed me to showcase them, to tell everyone know how freaking awesome I think they all are.  Why I idealize them the way I do, things I think they could do better, etc.  I just go deeper than most.  This recognition is for them.

Each erotic visual directory is it’s own community, so that’s pretty cool and with most fetishes or niches, they all intertwine, giving you the surfer who is looking for a particular thing, to surf that particular itch and have every creator I can find, just killing the niche that they are in, introducing you to!

Reach Out

Hey, if you need anything, please send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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