I have such a passion for helping people in need. Especially those that cannot defend themselves. You know, if more people had a sense of empathy about them, the world would be a much better place. In these changing and dramatic times, I feel that I can use this platform to spread a message. A message of hope, to people that I will never see, conversate with or see what they are all about. I believe that wherever we go, after this life, that we will be judged on our merits, from this one.
I feel that personally, for me, that it is super important to walk the walk and talk the talk. I love what I do, I love this, I love all of you, my fans, supporters and followers. But at the end of the day, I want to put back, the many blessings that I have had the opportunity to experience, revel in and grow from.
To that end, from now on, I am donating 10 percent of whatever The Afterdarkkmedia Network clears, to two national charities, each and every quarter. Both, dealing with minority issues and the protection of children. I just feel that this is a very important commitment in my life and I want to do right to those that have constant drama, are constantly in fear and those who’s lives are filled with daily challenges, each and every single day. I just wanted to announce this very important announcement because it’s just the will of the universe, for me and I am pretty happy about it.